Anxiety Disorder

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Inhibit Serenity, Release Anxiety: Anxiety Treatment In Pune

People combating anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder generally display immoderate levels of fear and worry, resulting in disturbed chains of behavior. AstitvAM, the center for anxiety treatment in Pune stands as a trusted and esteemed anxiety treatment center for those who seek help to overcome any anxiety disorder.

Attain Mindful Wellness: At Our Anxiety Treatment Centre

Anxiety is more than just experiencing constant nervousness or worry, instead, it is an intervened concession of thoughts, emotions, and physiological responses. While occasional anxiety is a congenital part of our regular day-to-day life, relentless and excessive levels of anxiety often trigger different types of anxiety disorders disrupting an individual’s quality of life. These disorders are often identified by a multitude of symptoms and manifestations. Physical indications such as breathlessness, panicking, rapid heartbeat, sweating, and trembling, as well as emotional manifestations such as restlessness, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and irritability, can be observed.

Anxiety Disorders Subtypes

Depending on the signs and symptoms anxiety disorders can be further classified into various subtypes such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and others.
An individual’s state of constant uncontrollable worry, anxiety, and nervousness is medically termed Generalized Anxiety Disorder. These manifestations generally affect the various aspects of a person’s day-to-day life as simple as buying a specific brand of soap, reaching a minor 2 minutes late for the class, etc especially where there is little or no room for concern. Individuals suffering from generalized anxiety disorders often undergo daunting experiences while encountering constant anxiety. Some symptoms are:
Encountering unexpected episodes of intense and abrupt fear often triggered by specific situations or sensations are termed as “panic attacks”. Often confused with panic attacks, panic disorders in contrast tend to be more recurrent and can be frequently triggered several times a day. These episodes commonly can last for a few minutes to an hour.
Certain people are known to experience exaggerated uncomfortableness or intense fear while participating in any kind of social situation. These are categorized as social anxiety disorders while displaying abnormal kinds of anxious behavioral patterns. Individuals grappling with social anxiety disorder constantly endure a state of fear of being ashamed, judged, or humiliated in front of others. Physical symptoms can be observed as
These symptoms are triggered during any kind of social setting such as public speaking, meeting new people, conducting a meeting, or even meeting new people.
Phobias are defined as a state of enduring extreme anxiety due to certain objects, activities, or situations that might pose little to no threat. Persons who struggle with phobias display irrational or excessive worry while encountering any kind of interaction with the feared object or situation. Realistically, such people are often fully aware of their fear but are skeptical and hesitant to overcome it, leading to avoidance behaviors.
Some common phobias that are observed in people are fear of heights, fear of flying, needles, and spiders, among others.
In addition, there are certain phobias related to academics such as fear of exams, school, results, interviews, etc. Although these can observed in students of all age groups, teenagers are the most affected ones. Teens struggling with such phobias tend to manifest avoidance behavioral patterns such as avoiding school, and exams, experience high levels of stress before exams, or are reluctant to pursue higher education. This irrational fear is generally due to academic, parental, and societal expectations including the pressure to perform academically well, fear of failure, or uncertainty about the future.

Treatment And Medications

Struggling with anxiety disorders can be distressing contributing to the loss of professional opportunities as well as complications in personal relationships and general well-being. But under proper guidance and treatment, recovery is possible.
For people who suffer from anxiety disorders, each new day seems to be a struggle. While it is agreeable to perceive small levels of nervousness during certain situations such as while taking a test or an interview, persistent levels of anxiety can lead to social alienation, decreased productivity, and overall disruption of daily life functioning. Treatment for anxiety attacks often incorporates a combination of conventional methods which comprises an amalgamation of medication, therapy, and self-care strategies.
Different forms of therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Therapies have generated successful outcomes in the easing of anxiety-related symptoms. These are considered one of the best treatment strategies that help individuals develop skills to respond to anxiety triggers more effectively. By developing awareness about their thoughts and emotions to helping individuals to cop up with negative thoughts, patterns, and behaviors, these therapy options allow them to better manage anxiety.
Homeopathic Approaches For Combating Anxiety
Homeopathic treatment is widely chosen as effective treatments for anxiety attacks, as an effective natural option.
At our homeopathy clinic, we rely on holistic homeopathy approaches for the treatment of anxiety attacks and its various forms including generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, social anxiety, etc. At our centre along with medication different therapies such as, Cognitive behavourial therapy, R.B.T, Exposure therapy & Mindfulness-Based Therapies are also used for successful outcomes. The remedies and medication at our center are derived from organic and natural resources such as medicinal herbs, plants, or minerals thereby reducing the chances of any side-effects. Under the guidance and experience of skilled homeopaths proper dilution and succussion of these medications is carried out to potentize their healing properties.